Super Safety

As with our other designs, the Super Safety is intended to be 3D printed by the end user. We do not manufacture or sell the Super Safety. This is a great reason for you to get into 3D printing.

The Super Safety is a 3D printable active trigger system for the AR-15. An active trigger is one which actively resets, allowing faster more efficient follow up shots.

The Super Safety is a push button safety that replaces the standard safety on an AR-15. Two and three position versions are included.

The Super Safety is compatible with any AR-15 that uses a mil-spec fire control group and bolt carrier. Modification to the trigger and detent is required.

Torrent: 37b78d35f20ce606ef4a782551095e128fca41be

The LR-308 specific Super Safety lever is an additional download that includes a lever designed specifically for the LR-308 platform. It is longer and features a split tail to accommodate the geometry of the LR-308 carrier.

The primary release is still required, so be sure to grab that as well.

For those who would like to use another manufacturing method, such as machining or metal printing, to make the Super Safety, a dev pack has been released which contains all of the STEP files for the Super Safety, triggers, and detent.

SolidWorks files are also included for those who would like to make modifications to the original.

Be sure to grab the main release as well, to get all the needed documentation and vector files.

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